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                推广 热搜: 比选公告  流标公告  竞标公告  信息公告  补充公告  采购公告  磋商公告  二次公告  1940CIC2P100]-招标公告  【重新招标】招标公告 


                   日期:2023-12-13     浏览:0    
                核心提示:您当前未登录,“*”号内容请 登⌒录后查看。 项目编号:****-***CCTC*****招标本次招标采用传统招标方式,现︼邀请合格投标人参加投

                您当前未登录,“*”号内容请 登录后ξ 查看。



                By accepting the Tenderee’s entrustment, ChinaCoal Tendering Co., Ltd. organized the international open competitive tendering for the following products and services, and made announcement via China International Bidding on Dec **, ****. Traditional bidding method is used for bidding this time. Eligible bidders are hereby invited to bid for this project.


                *. Tendering requirements


                Project overview:Purification unit propylene compressor


                Fund allocation or capital source: Capital has been allocated


                Descriptions of the project’s compliance with tendering requirements: Met


                *. Tendering contents:


                招标项目名称:中煤陕西能源化工集团 中煤榆林煤炭深加工基地⊙项目净化装置丙烯压缩机采购项目

                Project name: Procurement of Purification unit propylene compressor for China Coal Yulin Coal Deep Processing base Project of China Coal Shaanxi Energy & Chemical Group Co.,Ltd.

                项目实施 满足年****小时操作运行。操作弹性**~***%。

                See the technical specification of tender document, provide *.* million tons/year methanol cryogenic methanol washing unit required cold, design service life of more than ** years. **** hours of operation per year. Operating flexibility **-***% .




                Overseas delivery: CIF for ** weekss, domestic port;

                Domestic delivery: DDP, ** weeks to the use site for, Vehicle-delivery.


                China Coal Yulin Coal Processing base Project Purification plant propylene compressor procurement scope includes compressors, steam turbines, lubricating oil system, dry gas seal system, steam turbine auxiliary system (including air-cooling system) , related instruments (including control system) , electrical equipment, spare parts, special tools etc.


                *. Qualification requirements for bidders:


                Qualification or performance required for the bidder:


                *) Domestic enterprises with independent legal representative qualification, which could provide valid business license; and overseas enterprises, which are required to provide relevant supporting documents for registration at the address of main manufacturing plant according to the laws of the country (region).

                *)投标人需提供自****年*月*日以来(以合同签订时间为准)至少*台***万吨/年及以上煤制甲醇净化装置的蒸汽透平驱动丙烯压缩√机成功运行*年及以上的供货业绩,需提供有效的合同扫描㊣ 件及用户证明(合同至少包含合同首页、技术部分、签字页)。如合同不能体现以上内容,须提供其他相关有︽效证明材料,原件备查。

                *) Bidders are required to provide at least * steam turbine-driven propylene compressors for coal-to-methanol purification units of *.* million tons per year or more for a period of * year or more since * January ****(whichever is the time of contract signing) , a valid scanned copy of the contract and proof of the user (the contract includes at least the first page of the contract, the technical part, the signature page) . If the contract can not reflect the above content, must provide other relevant effective certification materials, the original for reference.


                *) The Bidder must be the compressor unit manufacturer and agency bidding will not be accepted.



                项目 联系人:李杨  
                微信:Li13683233285 邮箱

                备注:欲购买招标文件的潜在投标ξ人,注册网站并缴纳因特网技术服务费后,查看〓项目业主,招标公告,中标公示等,并下载资格预审范围,资质要求,招标清单,报名◣申请表等。为保证您能够顺利投标,具体要求及购买标书操作流程ξ 按公告详细内容为准,以招标业主的解答为准本。


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