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                推广 热搜: 电厂  220KV  电网  比选公告  铁路  项目  采购公告  服务  核电  二次 


                   日期:2024-04-01     浏览:0    
                核心提示:招标公告 招标项目名○称:东方13-2CEPB平台增加压缩机模块项目控制阀 Project Name: Dongfang 13-2CEPB Platform Additional Comp



                Project Name: Dongfang 13-2CEPB Platform Additional Compressor Module Project Control Valve

                招标编号(Bid No.):0704-2440JDCP0001


                中ぷ化建国际 (以下称为“招标代理机构”)受中海石油(中国) (以下称为“招标人”)委托,就东方13-2CEPB平台增加压缩机模块项目所需部分货物及相关服务进行国际公开招标。现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封【投标:

                CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Tendering Agent”), entrusted byCNOOC China Limited.(hereinafter referred to as “Tenderee”), intends to purchase the Goods and the relevant services required under the project of Dongfang 13-2CEPB Platform Additional Compressor Module Project by International Competitive Bidding. Bidders are kindly requested to provide the following Goods and services with sealed bids.



                Bidding Conditions:

                项目概况:东方 13-2 CEPB平台是一座 8 腿导管架中心平台。本项目需要在东方 13-2CEPB 增加 3台湿气预压缩机、3台湿气压缩机、1台干气¤压缩机,并对相关配套设施进行改造。

                Project Summary:The Dongfang 13-2 CEPB platform is an 8-leg jacket center platform. The project requires adding 3 wet gas pre-compressors, 3 wet gas compressors and 1 dry gas compressor in Dongfang 13-2CEPB, and the related supporting facilities are reformed.


                Source of Funds: yes

                项目已具备招@ 标条件的说明:已具备。

                Description of Prepared Bidding Conditions: yes


                2.招标内容:Bidding Contents:


                Name of Goods: Control Valve



                Quantity: Control Valve18sets、Self-actuated Pressure Regulator 2 sets



                控制阀:阀门尺寸1"- 10",压力等级150LB - 900LB

                Control Valve:Body size 1"- 10" , Pressure rating 150LB - 900LB


                Self-actuated Pressure Regulator:Body size 2" , Pressure rating 150LB



                Delivery Schedule:Before 30,8, 2024



                Destination of delivery:Domestic terminal or construction site designated by the Purchaser


                3. 对投〖标人的资格和业绩要求:

                Requirements for Qualification and reference of Bidder:



                Requirements for Qualification of Bidder




                A.The bidder within the customs territory shall provide valid independent legal person business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, or combinedcertificate and business license;

                The bidder outside the customs territory shall provide valid certificate to prove valid business registration certificate.



                B.Bid by Agent is accepted.


                Agents are not allowed to bid for domestic products, and agents are allowed to bid for overseas products. If the bidder is an agent, bidder shall obtain the legal and only formal authorization from the manufacturer of the goods to provide the goods for this bidding,and the certificate is within the validity period.


                C. 是否接受联合体投标:否

                C.Joint Venture: Not Accepted


                D.Bid without the bidding documents:NOT A/Vailable



                Requirements of Qualification of Bidderand Certificate


                Certification requirements for the products offered by the bidder:

                A.国内产品:针对阀门Ψ 制造的取证级别,投标产品的制造商应当取得有效期内的《中华人民共和国特种设备生产许可证》,投标时需提供证书→原件扫描件(原件备查)。

                A.Domestic products: For the certification level of valve manufacturing, The manufacturer of the bid product shall obtain the validity period the《Special equipment production license of the People's Republic of China》, When bidding, it is necessary to provide a scanned copy of the original certificate (original copy for reference).


                B.Abroad products: For the certification level of valve manufacturing,the manufacturer of the bid product shall obtain the validity period the《Special equipment production license of the People's Republic of China》for pressure line valve,and passtype tests and manufacturing supervision and inspection (or import safety performance supervision and inspection),and the scope of the certificate is coveredthis bid product size andclass.If the above certificates are not obtained during the transition period (before May 31, 2024), a special equipment type test certificate (pressure pipeline components) must be provided,And the scope of the certificate is covered by the scope of the tender.When bidding, it is necessary to provide a scanned copy of the original certificate (original copy for reference).


                (3)业绩要求Requirement for Bidder's reference:


                From January 1, 2013 to the deadline for submission of bids (Subject to the date of signing the contract).The manufacturer of the bidder’s product shall meet the following performance requirements:

                A.对于控制阀,应至少具有◥两个合同的控制阀供货¤业绩,且均满足○阀门尺寸不低于6"且压力等级ζ 不低于900LB和阀门尺寸不低于10"且压力等级不低于150LB的技术要求【,两种规格阀门的供货业绩可以为▓同一合同或多个合同。投标人须提交相关业绩证明文件。

                A.For control valves should hA/Ve at least two contract of control valve supply performance,Technical requirements of both are satisfied valve size not less than 6" ,pressure not less than 900LB, and valve size not less than 10",pressure not less than 150LB,The supply performance of the two types of valves can be the same contract or multiple contracts.the bidder shall submit relevant performance certificates.



                B.For self-operated control valves should hA/Ve at least two contract of self-operated control valve supply performance,technical requirements of both are satisfied valve size not less than 2" ,pressure not less than 150LB, , the bidder shall submit relevant performance certificates.


                Performance certificates include but are not limited to: 1) copies of sales contracts (including relevant technical attachment) and 2) prove document of arrival acceptance. The performance certificates submitted by the tenderer must at least reflect the following contents: contract signing time,manufacturer name, goods name,valve type, valve size, valve pressure rating and other technical requirements, as well as arrival acceptance documents. If no performance certificate is submitted, or the provided performance certificate fails to reflect the contract signing time,manufacturer name, goods name, valve type, valve size, valve pressure rating and other technical requirements,as well as arrival acceptance documents.it shall be deemed as invalid performance.


                4. 有兴趣的投标人可通过以下方式获取招标文①件:从2024年4月1日开始至2024年4月9日止,请登录中国海油采办业务管▆理与交易系统()的招标公告页面进行购□ 买。首次登╳录必须先进行注册(免费),注册成功后,方可 投标人须在线填写 招标文件每套售价为200元人民币或25美元,售后不退。对于使用美→元 招标文件发售费用用于印刷∩和邮寄招标文件,有邮寄需求的请在支付时备注收件人相关信息。


                The interested Bidders may obtain the bidding document by following method: Please login at CNOOC Procurement Operation System () on the page of Invitation for bid for purchasing Bidding document from April 1, 2024to April 9, 2024.For the first time of login, a registration (free of charge) is needed and only after successful registration, Bidder can purchase Bidding documents online.The bidder shall fill in the registration form for purchasing bidding documents online and pay online. After successful payment, the bidder can download the bidding documents by itself. The price of each set of bidding documents is RMB200 or USD25, and it is non refundable after sales. For the bidder who purchases the bidding documents in US dollars, it is required to wire transfer to the following account number:

                Payee:CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.

                Bank:I NDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA,Beijing National Cultural and Financial Cooperation Demonstration Zone Jinjie Sub-branch:


                SWIFT CODE: ICBKCNBJBJM,

                Bank Address:No. 237 Wang fu jing Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, ChinaPR,100006.


                未在中国电力招标采购网(www.dlztb.com)上注册会员的单位应先点击注册。登录成功↑后的在 招标会员 区根据招标公告的相应说明获取招标文件!
                手 机:18811547188


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